I'll start by making a few additional points to what I had said earlier in my 'News' section (josephcroneart.com) then finish up with a little bit more. Alright, so the next few months are going to be keeping me busy for the most part, finishing the setup of my studio space in the Stutz building in time for the Holiday Show, finalizing imagery for my next few pieces, and promoting the hell out of my work. Beyond that, more so in the digital realm so to speak, I have two competitions currently underway, Saatchi Online's Drawing Showdown (http://www.saatchionline.com/showdown/art/showdown/8) and 3rd Ward's Open Call (http://www.3rdwardopencall.com/portfolioStory.php?artist=josephcrone). Saatchi occasionally holds these art vs. art showdowns which can actually be quite beneficial in the long run if you don't mind the constant back and forth rating of one's work. This showdown started out with a number of 2100 artists, so one can imagine they don't have a shot even if they are confident with their submission. I am excited regardless for the turnout. While on the topic of online competitions, I've also recently entered the 3rd Ward Open Call. There are a couple of ways to win an award, either winner takes all or people's choice. The winner will receive a one month residency, solo show, and a 5,000 dollar grant to help further your international career. A great opportunity for anyone involved. Online submissions to larger, reputable art establishments are becoming more prominent these days and feel that everyone in the artistic vein should jump on board and take advantage of all the contests and opportunities online.
On a different note, I'll be showing in two locations over the next month, the Stutz Holiday Show (http://www.stutzartists.com/holidayexhibition.html)and a solo show at wUG LAKU'S STUDIO AND gARAGE (http://www.wlsandg.com/). I'm looking forward to both of these events, expanding to crowds yet to see my work. The Stutz Holiday Show is the 18th of November and the solo show will be open the first Friday of December. More information in regards to the solo show will posted soon, finalizing the details as far as title, press, etc. goes.
Lastly, I have two publications that are making their way over the course of the next few months starting with Studio Visit Magazine (http://studiovisitmagazine.com/). I was involved in the competition over the spring with a submission of around 1500 where 375 entrants made it through. My work, Decaying Consciousness, will be seen in the Fall edition of the magazine. The other publication I just committed to is Southwest Magazine (http://www.southwestart.com/), being shown in the Figures section in the first months of 2012. As far as the piece goes, I'm still working through the details and will keep you posted when more is established.
Thank you to everyone that has been involved over the past few months, it definitely helps push me further, create more work, and stay inspired. I'll make sure to update the blog soon to summarize the rest of the details I haven't listed just yet. In the meantime, enjoy the Fall weather! Talk with you soon.